AMICOS North America Convention Kick-off in New Jersey a Great Success

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The AMICOS Global Convention kick-off was a resounding success, with many alumni from New Jersey and nearby cities participating in the pre-convention and kick-off event on June 29, 2024. The event was held at Rasoi II Indian Restaurant in Iselin, New Jersey. Coordinators Saju Chacko from NJ and Sumi Jamal from Philadelphia ensured everything went smoothly. After a delightful meet and greet and a sumptuous dinner, the NJ event was officially kicked off. Many sponsors and new registrations were secured at this kick-off event.

The AMICOS Global Convention kick-off was a resounding success, with many alumni from New Jersey and nearby cities participating in the pre-convention and kick-off event on June 29, 2024. The event was held at Rasoi II Indian Restaurant in Iselin, New Jersey. Coordinators Saju Chacko from NJ and Sumi Jamal from Philadelphia ensured everything went smoothly. After a delightful meet and greet and a sumptuous dinner, the NJ event was officially kicked off. Many sponsors and new registrations were secured at this kick-off event.

The AMICOS North America Dallas convention is set to take place from October 11-13, 2024, at the Hilton Garden Inn, Duncanville, Dallas, TX. A dedicated team is working diligently to ensure this convention is a memorable experience. More than 100 alumni from Kerala and around the world are expected to attend this nostalgic convention. This year, we are also celebrating the 75th anniversary of Mar Ivanios College. Distinguished guests and entertainers from Kerala will grace the event. Some of them include Most Rev. Joseph Mar Thomas, Past Patron, AMICOS Global President, Mr. K. Jayakumar, IAS; Mr. Jiji Thomson, IAS; Dr. Shirley Stewart, Past Vice-president of Mar Ivanios College; Actor Jagadish (alumni); Singer Jassie Gift (alumni); Singer Dr. Reju Joseph (alumni); and Singer Reshma Raghavendra (alumni), among others.

We urge all Mar Ivanios College alumni to register for the convention as soon as possible, as rooms are filling up fast. Details of the convention can be found at
This convention is not just a gathering; it’s a celebration of the camaraderie, nostalgia, and shared memories that bind us as alumni of Mar Ivanios College. It’s an opportunity to reconnect with old friends, reminisce about our college days, and forge new relationships. The convention promises to be a blend of nostalgia and new experiences, highlighting the enduring spirit of our college community.

Our next event will be held in Washington, DC, on July 20th. Coordinators Reena Parangot and Saji Philip are working hard to ensure its success. Kick-off events will be held in many major cities in the coming weeks.
We look forward to seeing many of you at these events. For more details, please visit


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