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KCCNA is proud to announce Mr. Jose (Joe) Nedumackal from Houston as the Chairperson of the committee for conducting “Forane Get- togethers “ at our 15th KCCNA Convention in San Antonio, from July 4th-7th.Mr. Mathew Kottoor (Dallas), Mr. Sunny Idiyalil (Chicago) and Mr. Deepak Mundupalathingal ( Atlanta) will serve as the Co- Chairpersons of this Forane Get-together committee.

KCCNA is proud to announce Mr. Jose (Joe) Nedumackal from Houston as the Chairperson of the committee for conducting “Forane Get- togethers “ at our 15th KCCNA Convention in San Antonio, from July 4th-7th.Mr. Mathew Kottoor (Dallas), Mr. Sunny Idiyalil (Chicago) and Mr. Deepak Mundupalathingal ( Atlanta) will serve as the Co- Chairpersons of this Forane Get-together committee.

Forane Get-togethers have always been a “highly nostalgic” event at every KCCNA convention. These Forane Get- togethers provide a unique opportunity for both our men and women to meet their Childhood friends, their Classmates, their neighbors  , and friends that they grew up with.

Mr. Jose (Joe) Nedumackal is a highly talented event coordinator and has served various leadership positions in Bangalore,  Mumbai, and Saudi Arabia. Mr. Joe currently serves as the Joint Secretary of Houston KCS.

Mr. Mathew Kottoor ( Mathewkutty) is a former KCCNA RVP of Texas Region and has always been an ardent supporter of KCCNA.
His endless family connections, experience in serving various committees, balanced outlook and a strong passion for our Knanaya Community makes him the apt person for this position.

Mr. Sunny Idiyalil is a former Chicago KCS Executive member and the Legislative Board and Liason Board Chairman. He has always been known for his warmness and friendliness. Mr. Sunny Idiyalil will be a great asset to this committee.

Mr. Deepak Mundupalathingal is an active member of KCAG Atlanta. His passion and willingness to serve our community has always been in display at the Atlanta unit. His ability to outreach people will definitely be of great help to this Forane Get-together committee.

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