On March 11, 2020, exactly four years ago, the US President declared a National emergency due to COVID-19 outbreak. World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 a global pandemic and we should not forget millions of infections and deaths around the world and in the Unites States of America.
It was one of the worst & darkest days in the history of the world. No one had any answer and people were dying day & night and many even thought it was the beginning of the end of the entire human race all over the world. US surpassing six million cases of Covid infections per CDC data. Schools were closed, Churches and worship places were closed. Almost 1.8 million Americans have died. US lost more people by COVID than any other Nations around the world.
Parks were closed, Malls, Sports arenas, movie theaters, picnics, birth day celebrations and even funerals were all restricted to avoid people coming together. People were required to wear masks, keep six feet distance everywhere, no one wanted to talk to each other, come close to other humans, no interactions each other, even in homes, dear ones were keeping certain level of distance to avoid contact with each other.
Hospitals were flooded with Covid patients, no rooms or beds to accommodate more patients and some were treated on the halls and sidewalks. Many on ventilators for weeks and months, some survived but many did not make it. Bodies were piled up in refrigerated trucks due to lack of rooms in Hospitals, States even ran out of ventilators, millions of bodies buried, many old parents died themselves in Hospital beds without any dear ones nearby and no one from family such as spouse or children nearby to comfort them in their final moment of life and many dead bodies were buried by strangers. How heartbreaking and unbearable days still in our memory.
Kids had no schools and graduations were done by zoom, meetings, worship, important gatherings, doctor visits and many such events were done thru zoom. Many kids lost their parents, many parents lost their kids, many people lost their dear parents in such a tragic way, saying good bye thru glass windows, by phones or by staying away from them due to the fear of infection. The outset was so stressful due to lack of vaccines and spread of misinformation.
Politicians, Religious Leaders, Pastors, Doctors, Scientists and so called experts in medicine, no one knew the cause or the source of this pandemic that shook each Nation and the entire Universe. Some Pastors refused to take the shot, discouraged people to take shots and tried their healing tricks, but most of their members who had covid died and even those who ridiculed experts and experts also have died. Their ignorance, pride and filthy healing tricks did not work this time. Some silly, ignorant & arrogant politicians or leaders refused to accept the vital advice from Medical people, pushing crack science such as injecting Lysol, taking advice from so called snake oil man & junk science costing many lives.
Finally many started to look unto God crying, repenting their sins, kneeling even on road sides praying earnestly for deliverance from this pandemic since no one could help them or save them. The heavy burden and sadness of losing dear ones and the fear of more deaths, they turn to God and started to see some miracles all over the world and in the US. Many who were fighting desperately for survival on ventilators many months, miraculously escaped and are still alive. Thank God for His mercy.
The Bible says “Do not forget His benefits” (Psalms 103:2). “Give thanks unto Him for He is great and His mercy endures forever (Psalms 136:1). We have survived probably the worst horrible tragedy in our life time and no one will ever forget those fearful days four years ago today. Thank God we are still around and let us sincerely thank Him for His mercy and compassion to each one of us. We should never ever forget those days and never forget our God who helped us to overcome those darkest and painful time.
But here is a warning, history can repeat itself. Love God and submit to His will and word and try to live a holy life pleasing and acceptable to God. No one will save us from these types of terrible situations, powerful Politicians, leaders, Pastors, friends or dear ones cannot help us when we face such tragic, painful and challenging events in our lives. But God is our refuge and strength and a very present in trouble. (Psalms 46:1)
Let us come back to God, if we have fallen back to the old habits, sinful nature and submit our body as a living sacrifice to the most High God. We do not know what we will face tomorrow, but we know only God can save us from any such calamities, natural disasters, horrible pandemic or painful experiences. “ Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” ( Romans 12:2)
Joseph Kurian, Houston