Rahul Gandhi: A Profile in Courage

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Courage has its complexities but has a certain level of power attached to it. As has been said, 'Profiles in Courage resound with timeless lessons on the most cherished virtues and are potent reminders of the strength of the human spirit’. Standing up for principles in today's world is both challenging and often costly. It mandates individuals to act according to their conscience. Yes, it can inspire a whole new generation to follow that example. Rahul Gandhi brings forth that image of a man who would not bow even to the most powerful for expediency or to fulfill his own personal ambitions.

Courage has its complexities but has a certain level of power attached to it. As has been said, 'Profiles in Courage resound with timeless lessons on the most cherished virtues and are potent reminders of the strength of the human spirit’. Standing up for principles in today's world is both challenging and often costly. It mandates individuals to act according to their conscience. Yes, it can inspire a whole new generation to follow that example. Rahul Gandhi brings forth that image of a man who would not bow even to the most powerful for expediency or to fulfill his own personal ambitions.
Undoubtedly, Rahul Gandhi may be the most vilified man in contemporary Indian politics. Over the years, he has been an object of sarcasm and constant attack by a paid social media gang. The BJP may have successfully painted Rahul Gandhi as "Pappu," an entitled beneficiary of dynasty politics. The widespread anger against the entrenched elite, who are far removed from the realities of the ordinary people, may also have aided that campaign to demonize him. To err is human; he may have made his share of mistakes, but this level of hatred and cynicism orchestrated by the governing party of India is quite unconscionable..
However, the Bharat Jodo Yatra (BJY), the 4080-kilometer march under the banner of 'uniting India' from Kanyakumari to Srinagar, proved to be a phenomenal one that has turned the heads of the public. The 2024 Elections have proved that point and may have saved our republic and its revered Constitution. The march took place at a time when the people of India were increasingly polarized over religion and the Modi administration's failure in governance that resulted in the mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic, high unemployment among the youth, rising inflation, and marginalization of minorities.
 BJY appeared to have captured the imagination of the ordinary Indians and reflected their yearnings for peaceful coexistence with everyone regardless of their faith, caste, language, or regional differences. One also wonders if Rahul Gandhi is such an ineffective and failed leader, why the BJP is so focused on targeting him. The truth is he is one of the few at the forefront exposing the duplicity and wrongdoings of this administration. He is totally unafraid to expose corruption at the highest places of power and even confront the Prime Minister on issues like Rafael's purchases or the Adani scam inside parliament. 
In scanning today's political arena, one might see other politicians struggling to put together a few words to express their outrage at the corruption or the ongoing anti-democratic measures employed by this government. The reason is simple: they know too well that they have many skeletons in their closets or that government agencies are lurking around every corner.
Rahul Gandhi is indeed a brave person who is willing to face challenges. Despite two of his family members falling victim to the hatred and division in the country, he has shown the moral Courage to continue on their path to serving the nation. An essential aspect of being courageous is accepting yourself and life's circumstances beyond one's control. He has already succeeded in instilling a high level of hope and optimism in the minds of ordinary people. Right now, the people of India are pinning their hopes on his bravery and integrity to save the Constitution and the nation.
(Writer is the Vice-Chair of the IOCUSA having served the organization in different capacities as its founding General Secretary, Secretary-General, President and Chairman in the last 25 years)

George Abraham

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