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“Words are mightier than the sword”. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). The human tongue is a dangerous weapon and exceedingly difficult to control. It is one of man’s most dangerous & destructive weapon if not used wisely, timely, correctly & accurately. The tongue is one of the most powerful parts of the human body, yet it is often take for granted. It can be used to build up or tear down and to bring life or destruct life.

“Words are mightier than the sword”. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). The human tongue is a dangerous weapon and exceedingly difficult to control. It is one of man’s most dangerous & destructive weapon if not used wisely, timely, correctly & accurately. The tongue is one of the most powerful parts of the human body, yet it is often take for granted. It can be used to build up or tear down and to bring life or destruct life.
Dr. Andrews Newberg, a neuroscientist at Tomas Jefferson University states in his book “Words can change your brain” a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical & emotional stress. Scientific studies actually shows that positive and negative words not only affect us on a deep psychological level, but they have a significant impact on the outcome of our lives.
Our words have the power to humiliate, hurt, break, discourage, defeat, give up, divide, and to disappoint others, dear ones, family, society and even a Nation. Tongue can be used to spread lies, deceit, destroy, discourage, and create anger and conflict. Our words also have the awesome power to build, bind together, develop, encourage, edify, comfort, love, strengthen, heal empower and to bring joy and happiness to others.
“Do not let your tongue control you, but you control your tongue”. Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit (Psalms 34:13) Two of the ten commandments in the Bible, deal with speech, taking the name of God in vain and bearing false witness against another person ( Exodus 20:7)
The way one talk is a very revealing fact of that person’s character. There are different kinds of “tongues” such as the hateful tongue, the licentious tongue, the boasting tongue, the critical tongue, the obscure toungue, the double tongue and the explosive tongue and so on. The Bible says, “Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth” rather put away shameful speaking from your mouth (Ephesians 4:29 & Col 3:8)
Many friends have become life time enemies, many families have been torn apart, many marriages have been destroyed, many people have turned from decent people to destructive folks, many Churches have been divided, many Cities, Sates & Nations have been divided due to the misuse of this dangerous weapon, the human tongue. Our society is obsessed with diets and what goes into our mouths, but may be it is time to consider, what is coming out of our mouths. Cynicism, sarcasm, pride, gossip, arguments and putting others down are things sabotage relationship and keeping people away rather than close.
We often do not take seriously the power of the tongue, to assault and its ability to devastate. A few inconsiderate words can kill the spirit of a spouse or friend. Proverbs 12:18 states that “ Reckless words pierce like a sword” James, the Apostle discerned in the Bible, the tongue as being “ full of deadly poison” (James 3;8) and Psalm 52:2 speaks of the tongue as a “ sharpened razor” that works to bring about the destruction of another. How dangerous & deadly are the human tongue, when used in the wrong way.
Words are used to control and attack and the most common tactics to control or attack a spouse, friend, parent, son, daughter, co-worker or others are, yelling, blaming, sarcasm, name calling, fault finding, making guilty, words to degrade, too critical, threatening , demanding and invalidating. 
The tongue can also be a great weapon to build others, comfort others, settle differences, show love & respect, be compassionate, kind, healing, and avoid conflicts , build others for good. Encouraging, uplifting, loving & caring words can incite, inspire, energize, instruct, sooth, empower, educate & make lasting impressions to others, when we us our words carefully.
A teachers encouraging words will lift the spirit of the students, a Pastors encouraging exhortation will uplift the believers to grow in faith, a Coaches empowering words will produce great champions in sports fields, a boss’s push & kind words will bring out excellent employees, the great and supporting words of a Political leader will unite the nation and bring peace to the people. All of us also need admonition, correction and constructive criticism to get better in all areas of life.
“The tongue has the power of life & death” (Proverbs 18:21). The language we use to communicate with one another is like a knife in the hands of a careful & skilled surgeon, a knife can work to do well. But in the hands of a careless person or ignorant person, it can cause great harm. So it is with words.
There are so many powerful words such as “ I love you” “ I am so proud of you”, “ I understand you”, “ I care for you”, “ I pray for you” “ I am sorry”, “ It is my bad”, “ Sorry I won’t do it again”, “ You are great”, “ You will overcome” “ don’t worry”, “ Can I help you” “ You are beautiful”, “ You are in our prayers”  are words that will make great positive impact in others. Stop saying destructive words like” I hate you” “You are stupid”, “You are weak & a failure”, “ You are ugly”, “ You are sick”, “ You will never make it” etc. These are words that will negatively impact us, our dear ones & many others.
Can we all control our tongue a little more? Can we start to say kind words rather than hurting words? Can we comfort others with encouraging words than discouraging words? Can we lift the spirit of others, empower, educate, build up, motivate and use words of love, words that  unite,  words that bond, kind words to settle differences and that bring peace & joy for us & others.
“I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement. For by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned (Mathew 12:36-37) May God help all of us to use our tongue to help, heal and to build others.

 Joseph Kurian Houston

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